August 03, 2003

the move

this past friday, our little 18th floor neighborhood marked our last day together. tomorrow, we will report to work scattered across the 16th floor:
kaho messing around with boxes


dumping as much as possible

kaho sitting in guillermo's seat

kaho's station

tim, myself and tom -- just before the move

the potluck: we had planned a final blast-off potluck. my meeting ran late so everyone was nearly done by the time i got there... it was a sad and somewhat somber crowd gathered in that conference room. we couldn't hold the potluck in the middle of our cubes like always because the movers were very prompt about whisking everything away... we all left early since there was no where for us to sit
tim, chris, maureen

maureen, craig, margery

margery, kaho, kamau

kamau, tom, mt, guillermo

(seated) mary, elvie, myself

Chinese Chicken Coleslaw
1 pkg coleslaw
1 pkg ramen noodles, oriental flavor
1 cup slivered almonds
1 tbs sesame seeds
2 tbs oil
1 cup cooked chicken breast, slivered
For the Dressing:
6 tbs sugar
6 tbs cider vinegar
2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 cup salad oil
1 packet ramen noodle seasoning
Combine dressing ingredients and set aside.
Loosely crumble ramen noodles and combine with almonds. Toast noodles and almonds in oil until golden brown. Add sesame seeds to the pan at the last minute to avoid over-browning.
Just before serving, toss cabbage, chicken and noodle mixture with dressing.

Posted by lesleeroberts at August 3, 2003 05:44 PM