December 07, 2003


just installed netnewswire by ranchero software. this is a news / blog aggregator application which allows me to gather up all my news resources on the net and aggregate them in one place, making it faster and easier to scan and read new items. now i can unsubscribe from several email subscriptions and make my email load a lot lighter.

it's pretty nice. i am still working on posting blog entries using netnewswire's weblog editor functionality -- but i haven't been able to do that successfully yet...

what would really be helpful is if this would work through the browser so that i could access my subscriptions from anywhere... anyone know of something that does this or how to make this happen? i know that i can export my subscriptions...

i have used news aggregators before but that was a long, long time ago -- the web and the amount of content now makes it a whole new world.

i'm not sure but this may be on par with my purchase of apple's isight and the use of ichatav (apple's videochat functionality). once my mother had the same setup, it signaled the instantaneous end to our long-distance phone calls (approximately $50-$60/month for me alone). when thinking about technology and its ability to make significant changes in daily life -- its these kinds of technology changes -- so simple, so thoughtless, so easily integrated into daily patterns -- the kind of stuff which makes technology exciting for me. read this article for more on this tangent.

Posted by lesleeroberts at December 7, 2003 07:30 AM