May 16, 2004

mt3 developer ed


movable type 3.0 developer edition was released on 5/13. it includes some major licensing changes which have stirred up the mt blogging community. mena trott has published some clarifications due to the overwhelming feedback. it looks like some of the decisions for the licensing changes were based on the users who opted to test the beta versions -- obviously a small slice of the pie... it was interesting to read the many, many trackbacks to mena's post on the sixapart site.

brad choate had some interest comments about the licensing issue as well.

i won't be updating anytime soon but it's interesting to watch reactions from the sidelines. don't get me wrong, i'm all for developers getting fair payment for their work. it just seems like the change could have been handled better... but then again, it's always easier to say that after the fact and from the sidelines.

Posted by lesleeroberts at May 16, 2004 12:05 AM

i knew 3.0 was in beta, but didn't realize it was released already -- thanks. i need to go read the discussion before i too think about upgrading. to be honest, i'm pefectly happy with 2.65, so it'll take a major improvement in features to get me to do it again.

of course, all this is gonna wait until after vacation... :)

Posted by: P at May 17, 2004 12:54 PM