September 15, 2007


in late july, i woke with my right thumb painful and unable to move at all. i suppose all the abuse with the treo, nintendo ds, knitting and beading finally took its toll. the first few weeks, i couldn't do anything -- all the little things we take for granted -- turn the key in the ignition, press the button on the gear shift of the car, dress, dry my hair, hold a pencil, use a fork. i have been wearing my wrist brace at night and limiting the use of my thumb. it's been healing slowly since then -- i can do many of the normal things now but i must still limit my nintendo, knitting and beading.

i've been reading instead and listening to audio books: harry potter and the deathly hallows, anansi boys, coraline, the kite runner, the secret life of a knitter-yarn harlot, on becoming an artist -- astounding since i haven't had a run like this for at least a year.

i've also watched several movies: all of the harry potter movies, peaceful warrior, 10 items or less, hula girls -- more astounding, since i rarely watch movies.

even though it's been quiet online, it's been busy -- mom came for a visit in early august and then we both flew back to rainier where i stayed for a couple of weeks for vacation. i'll be posting those pics soon.

Posted by lesleeroberts at September 15, 2007 01:27 AM